Client Testimonials
Invest in yourself when you work with me. Here’s what some clients have said:
"Coaching relationship where I told you about how my meds. You gave me power to speak up to my doctors and stand up for myself and get my meds checked on and a few meds were changed. I feel that was a tremendous help.
"I was coached by Michele over the last couple months and have had a great experience. I felt very comfortable during our sessions and she facilitated a great environment for me to build motivation to reach my goals."
" She was always encouraging as often times the scale wouldn't go in the direction, I wanted it too, but we focused on what I was doing right and praised me for the steps I was taking the change my lifestyle to be more heart healthy."
"It was such a blessing to have Michele with me in this journey because she was able to hold the space as a safe container for me to take a good look at my fears and also remind me of my victories."
"Over several weeks I had a nurse coach, bereavement counselor and a safe caring outlet with a professional with whom I could speak with openly and honestly about life, roles, medical concerns and setting goals for the future."
"I began implementing daily habits & gained better self-confidence, started working towards my goals, and I am feeling better about by myself, more confident and secure and attaining my goals."
"My visits with Michele took place in different locations - at a restaurant, on a hike and over the phone. She was flexible with my schedule and instead of canceling an appointment, we were able to move it to a phone call."
Beth - California
"She has been absolutely amazing for me, and I’m on the road to getting my health back on track. She listened to every concern and addressed every question I had. I am extremely thankful for her."
Cindy H. - Tennessee
Let's rewrite your limiting beliefs, fears, and self-doubt. Change can be hard, but the unknown is a place of limitless possibilities. Let's dream beyond what you think is possible.
Full Client Testimonials
I was coached by Michele over the last couple months and have had a great experience. I felt very comfortable during our sessions and she facilitated a great environment for me to build motivation to reach my goals.
Michele was such a great listener and always asked intentional questions for me to explore myself deeper and get clarity on how to overcome obstacles I was facing. She always picked up on common themes and things that I was struggling with and was able to provoke me to be introspective and work on my own personal transformation.
I felt very comfortable and supported by her throughout the process and was great at following up on things we were working on. I feel so much stronger after having worked with Michele and have remained consistent with my goals because of the mindset and perspective shifts she helped me discover.
Before I started working with Michele, I had had a heart attack at age 53. Michele encouraged me in a realistic way of changing my eating and exercise. She was always encouraging as often times the scale wouldn’t go in the direction, I wanted it too, but we focused on what I was doing right and praised me for the steps I was taking the change my lifestyle to be more heart healthy. She focused on not only the physical but the mental area so I would not beat myself up emotionally if I blew it or backslid on my eating.
Michele is so friendly and easy to talk to. She generally cared about me as a whole person. I loved the accountability of meeting with Michele and the encouragement to make wise choices ahead of time when going places. She encouraged me and gave me tools so I can continue to be successful with the changes that needed to be made so I can continue to strengthen my heart both with the food I eat and the physical fitness in my everyday life as I continue to try and improve. Michele has great knowledge and also encouraged me to ask grow and learn as much as I can about the new way of eating, I am doing. The 6 weeks flew by and I am grateful for the time.
When I first started working with Michele, I was embarking on a new path in my business and career. I have been working for myself for about 15 years and have learned to ride the waves of being an entrepreneur. However, during our time together this newly anticipated opportunity was cut off and I was left in question as where to go next. Discouraged and defeated I was scrambling as to what to do and where to go next.
It was such a blessing to have Michele with me in this journey because she was able to hold the space as a safe container for me to take a good look at my fears and also remind me of my victories. What I do have and how far I had come in life and career was a needed gift and this situation was just another opportunity to be surprised by life and myself.
I was on the path of doing what I was made to do and being reminded that the road isn’t always easy… but living in integrity to my purpose… things could now get in order for my true alignment. Michele’s questions and responses helped me to see the other side of the disappointment and how I can respond to this place in life with a new perspective. All areas of my life are at play and I need to be tending to all of them equally and with care. I am so grateful for our time together and the fact that she provided exactly what I needed through her grounded, encouraging and calm spirit… I will be forever grateful.
Michele entered my life at the perfect time; I had recently lost my mom in June of 2023, and my sixteen year old dog the following month – leaving me heartbroken. On top of this, I am the sole trustee of my mom’s estate, of which I had no prior idea of the work and stress that role carries. I was crashing.
Health-wise, I am 68, female, widowed, a retired teacher, with diabetes under control, with diet and not insulin dependent. But, the stress of being the sole primary caregiver over several years followed by the losses, my trustee role, compounded by new medical conditions, was changing everything: no doubt some depression, exhaustion and my A1c was rising with daily blood glucose readings all over the charts, despite efforts to continue eating healthy and getting sleep.
Then, I met Michele, and over several weeks I had a nurse coach, bereavement counselor and a safe caring outlet with a professional with whom I could speak with openly and honestly about life, roles, medical concerns and setting goals for the future.
Michele has a very calming effect, listens intently, makes eye contact and smiles through every discussion – trusting, non-judgemental and as her patient, I benefited from her nursing experience and felt her compassion and support. Michele also has real-life experiences, relative to my age and able to offer ideas and goals to improve the care of myself in moving forward.
After each session, I was asked to assess how she did and to share feedback or constructive criticism, but I truly could not think of anything as she is truly a genuine caring person in the nursing profession who had her patient at the foremost of the goal of what brought us together: improving mental and physical health and establishing goals overall – and she succeeded. I have already started making the changes necessary towards better health and prioritizing what I need to do.
Thank you Michele, and may our paths cross again.
I was in a very dark place, feeling lonely, depressed, & unmotivated, filled with self Limiting beliefs. I began implementing daily habits & gained better self-confidence, started working towards my goals, and I am feeling better about by myself, more confident and more secure and attaining my goals. I am better at holding myself accountable, not perfect but working towards established habits.
Lost my career, lost my car, mom passed away, disagreements at home. I remembered I can do what I set my mind on. I can attain anything by taking action. I remembered who I was before all this happened to me. I liked the positive reinforcement by reminding me about all I have accomplished & the previous valleys I have overcome.
I had very positive experience with Michele. She was very attentive and a great listener. Just what i needed someone to talk to about my circumstances without being judged. She reminded me that I am strong that I have always been strong. I can replace my negative thoughts for positive thoughts. I accomplished a lot in life before all the current events happened but I have the power to change things. I dont need anyone because I have me. I am all that a I need. I just have to go for it. Nothing new is ever easy. I will be stronger by coming out of the dark.
I think you have great listening skills & add valuable insight regarding the things I couldn’t see. You have a very calming demeanor & positive way of sharing your support. I’m very thankful for you. As a single adult with nobody to talk to on a daily basis to exchange daily thoughts, I really needed someone to be my soundboard and she provided me that in a safe environment without judgement. So blessed.
God brought you into my life at just the right time. You helped me to keep my eyes on what is important and gave me a safe place to share.
When I first started meeting with Michele I was in the middle of many challenges that come with parenting teenagers and feeling pretty overwhelmed. As our sessions progressed more events happened that could have easily caused me to feel hopeless, but my time with Michele gave me the safe space to verbally process all that was happening and be reminded of what my role as a mom of teenagers is in this season. Having this time also helped me to formulate a plan moving forward. If I didn’t have these sessions I truly believe I would have become overwhelmed and not walked through this time in a healthy way. Michele helped me to see the importance of making sure I was in a healthy place physically, mentally and emotionally so I could be the best version of myself for my family.
My visits with Michele took place in different locations – at a restaurant, on a hike and over the phone if needed. She was flexible with my schedule and instead of canceling an appointment, we were able to move it to a phone call if needed. Having Michele as a coach was such a valuable resource during the season of life I was walking through. Oftentimes it felt like spending time with a good friend who was an amazing listener and asked insightful questions. It was different from going to counseling. I just needed a safe space to talk through and process all that was going on in my life and the coaching sessions with Michele were the perfect thing. She listened well and asked insightful questions. It was a blend of spending time with a good friend and going to see a counselor. She helped me to set attainable goals and together we talked about the overall benefits of these goals.
The thing I enjoyed the most is knowing that I was going to have a place to talk through and process the events that were happening in my life and Michele would be a listening ear, an encouraging supporter and a safe place to share. Also, knowing I was going to report back and let her know how things were going was a great level of accountability for me.
One great benefit is the accountability that meeting with Michele offered. Because I knew I would be checking in with her about certain goals, I made more of an effort to achieve them. Another benefit was having a set time to process through many of the hard parenting struggles I was walking through. Michele fostered a safe place where I felt comfortable sharing without fear of judgement or criticism. She asked insightful questions and helped me talk through situations and come up with next steps.
Michele helped me to identify health goals that are important to me physically, mentally and emotionally. She reminded me to be slow in adding a new goal and to set realistic expectations. For instance, walking 10,000 steps a day has become a new habit that has improved my overall health. Talking about this goal and identifying both the things that keep me from it and also the things that would help me achieve it was incredibly helpful.
Life was OK, things going on daily. Michele came to me and explained how she could help me get on better with my life and routine. You helping me open up was a blessing, Michele. I opened up to you more than I do with most people, and it felt good.
Coaching relationship where I told you about how my meds were doing for me, which wasn’t all that good. You gave me power to speak up to my doctors and stand up for myself and get my meds checked on and a few meds were changed. I feel that was a tremendous help.
Well, I learn to do better if I sit boundaries for myself, and stick with them, help me overcome my quietness shyness and loneliness. I will do a better job of speaking out when I need to and not worry about how someone takes it. This is a great new achievement for me.
Insight to get out and make more friends, including just getting out to get the mail… that for my loneliness was, but you persuaded me to go up and be friends and make friends. You’ve been a great friend and an eye-opener for me. I thank God for your job that you’re doing.
Michele has been such a help to me! I scheduled an appointment with her at the recommendation of my sister, and I’m so glad I did! She has been absolutely amazing for me, and I’m on the road to getting my health back on track. She listened to every concern and addressed every question I had. I am extremely thankful for her.